. SCP-199 is tangentially related to filmy ferns, but is more tolerant to temperature, humidity, pollution, and external damage. SCP-204 The Protector. Description: SCP-3199 denotes a species of sapient Category-5 biological entities of currently indeterminable origin, though tissue samples indicate the presence of Silkie chicken 1, chimpanzee 2, stoat 3, mussel 4, adder 5, and human DNA. Zaobserwować można to w formie rdzewienia, rozkładu lub pękania, co prowadzi do powstania czarnej, śluzowej substancji. horreur, paranormal, communauté. SCP-199 claims that it has not been seen by any human being since its early childhood,. SCP-199 is a unknown fern of the Hymenophyllaceae family, related to filmy ferns but far more tolerant of changes in temperature and humidity. scp-200 — Куколка scp-201 — Пустой мир scp-202 — Человек наоборот scp-203 — Измученный железный человек scp-204 — Защитник scp-205 — Теневые лампы scp-206 — Путешественник scp-199-frの探知を可能にし得る機器の使用を含む、またカラン領域に隣接するあるいは包含されるの脳の領域に関するすべての医学的処置について、scp-199-frに関与するカモフラージュの下、財団職員は展開します。 ↓チャンネル登録はこちらから. SCP-099 is a 73 by 50 cm painting titled "The Portrait. SCP-3799 was created when Dr. Especially those with the adult tag . SCP-199-JP will stay in one theatre for about half a year and will appear out of nowhere whenever the appearance criterion is met. It houses hundreds of Safe and Euclid-Class anomalies and lots of personnel. They are a species of creatures possessing both chicken and. Description: SCP-199 (Referred to as "Righty", as named by Ms. 99. O teto é coberto com uma grade eletrificada capaz. Item #: SCP-019 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-019 is to be kept on a wide grate in a 3 m x 3 m x 4 m reinforced concrete room, installed with an. SCP-006 - Fountain of Youth. Описание: SCP-199 представляет собой неизвестный вид папоротника семейства Гименофилловых, но гораздо более устойчивый к изменениям температуры и влажности. Special Containment Procedures: A copy of SCP-252 is to be kept in a storage closet at Site-35. オブジェクトクラス: keter 特別収容プロトコル: 性質上、scp-299-frは収容することが出来ません。 それぞれ独立したサーバーに存在する4つのプログラムによって財団のあらゆるサーバーやネットワークを毎日監視し、scp-299-frに関連した変更を確認する必要. Back the Kickstarter! We're insanely close to the Kickstarter petting stretch goal, and a huge request we got was to hug SCP-999, so w. The MTF will also secure all items affected by SCP-1999. SCP-682 gains energy from anything it ingests, organic or inorganic. -Dr. Log in. SCP-012 - Eine schlechte Komposition. , resulting in severe lacerations and distinct bite marks on the arm, neck and upper thigh. ) sind Objekte oder auch Kreaturen, die vor der Öffentlichkeit ferngehalten werden. Révéler la/les vraie (s) nature (s) de SCP-001 au grand public est passible d. Обратитесь к системному администратору. . LIVE. Object Class: Safe. 映画館に一人で居ると現れるクリーチャー系SCP。なぜか攻撃してくる。 シンプルな性質ながらも臨場感ある実験記録はガチホラー。 画像も不気味で怖い。決して白米ではない。 SCP-199-JP - SCP財団 SCP-1198-JP (生乾きのタオル. Ítem #: SCP-023 Clase de Objeto: Euclid Procedimientos Especiales de Contención: SCP-023 se ha de contener en una Unidad de Contención Estándar de 5 x 5 m. . 이에 재단에서 요원을 파견해 제거를 시도했으나 이. SCP-010 - Kontrollhalsbänder. SCP-199-JP will stay in one theatre for about half a year and will appear out of nowhere whenever the appearance criterion is met. $1099. Thái hậu nhiếp chính của Vương quốc Pháp là Caterina de' Medici cho khởi công Cung điện Tuileries. Join the DR BOB SQUAD by going to and become. アイテム番号: SCP-3199 オブジェクトクラス: Euclid Keter 特別収容プロトコル: 全ての生きているSCP-3199個体は、サイト-114にある厚さ約2 cmの耐酸鋼鉄で壁を保護したKeterクラス人型生物収容室にまとめて収容してください。 この収容室と二次収容ブロックとの間には2 mの間隔を空けてください。利用規約. ジョーク-JP - このサイトにおける最も素晴らしい記事のいくつかはクレバーであり、滑稽なものです。 あなたのジョークがそうであるか投稿前に確認するように。 Archived SCP-JP - スタッフ権限、またはFoundation Tale内での使用のために保存されたSCPです。Item #: SCP-1999 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Iota-9 ("Collected Curios") is to work with museums in designated areas of effect, identifying cases of vandalism concerning the name "Loewes". Da 1500 a 1599. SCP-199-IT: Ciao. « SCP-6968 |SCP-6969| SCP-6970 ». Dr. 그의 노트에 따르면, 그의 계획은 지속적으로 진화하고 시간이 지나면 자신을 개량하는 코드를. . Item #: SCP-199 Object Class: Euclid Laconic Containment Procedures: Keep a garden of SCP-199 in Site-19 and destroy any found outside. scp-199-jp明確的外觀並沒有被確認,但是可以辨明是纖瘦的人型,走路時護著右腳。觀眾通常不會在意scp-199-jp外觀的異常性,姜協這是因為單純的劇場亮度不足還是scp-199-jp所具有精神干涉的特性至今不明。Ítem #: SCP-198 Clasificación del Objeto: Euclid Procedimientos Especiales de Contención: SCP-198 se encuentra en una habitación segura del Sitio- con guardias armados apostados fuera para prevenir cualquier acceso no autorizado. Log in to follow creators, like videos, and view comments. Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : Un jardin de SCP-199 a été construit au Site-19 pour la recherche et le confinement. Any staff member is permitted to access the sphere, provided they schedule the time in advance, so as to avoid conflict. SCP-045 - Convertidor Atmosférico. Description: Above the soil surface, SCP-628 consists of a copse of 31 large, hollow American sycamore ( Platanus occidentalis) trees, with trunks from 224 to 455 cm in external diameter. SCP-143 musi być nawadniany. 사실 001~999는 웬만해선 리스트가 꽉 차있긴 하지만, 평가. SCP-006 - Jungbrunnen. フィッシング詐欺にご注意ください. SCP-038 The Everything Tree. Classe : Euclide Keter Procédures de Confinement Spéciales : Toutes les instances vivantes de SCP-3199 doivent être confinées au Site-114, chacune dans une chambre de confinement pour humanoïde de classe Keter, les murs de celle-ci devant être recouverts d'une couche d'acier résistant aux acides d'au moins deux centimètres. Anexo-ES-199-01: Descubrimiento de SCP-ES-199. . SCP-199-KO. Following. Description: SCP-199-PT is a 16-inch monitor without any type of markings or buttons, which is attached to a rod connected to the floor, making it impossible to remove or damage it. Las instancias de SCP-199 o SCP-199-2 encontradas fuera de la contención deben ser destruidas con fuego o pesticidas. rating: +267 + – x. Фонд SCP (SCP Foundation; Special Containment Procedures — «Особые Условия Содержания», Secure, Contain, Protect. scp 199似乎在受污染的环境中长势良好,这意味着它高度适应生存于人口稠密地区。此外,scp-199对大多数农药都具有抗药性。scp-199在烟囱旁、大城市的花园和工厂中最常见。 scp-199最初是在西安市居民报告称气球状物体与旅馆相撞,并干扰了无线电设备后发现的。 Item #: SCP-9999 Object Class: Euclid/Pending Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9999-A is to be kept in a standard chamber for anomalous objects. Các diễn biến lịch sử trước thời điểm cung điện được khởi công tương tự như ở dòng thời gian Bính-Tý. For You. SCP-008 - Zombie Plague. SCP-042 A Formerly Winged Horse. SCP-199 es relacionado tangencialmente con helechos. If you can use cp, you can use scp. 描述: SCP-199是一种属于膜叶蕨科的未知蕨类,类似于膜蕨,但对温度和湿度变化有更强的耐受性。. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-709 is currently set up in TA-F2, Sector-28. . If any of those are disconnected, the percentage shown in SCP-199. Laconic Description: SCP-2001 is an anomalous series of brain waves that occur during sleep. The rhizomes of the plants are hardy and can attach and grow. 5K. SCP-3199, known by the name Humans, Refuted, are a hostile species in the SCP Foundation mythos. SCP-006 - Jungbrunnen. Database della Branca Italiana della Fondazione SCP. The Secure Copy Protocol and scp . As of 12/6/2017, there are four live instances of SCP-3199 successfully contained. - The Database S Andrew Swann's Proposal. Sifat anomalus dari SCP-099-ID muncul apabila SCP-099-ID digunakan layaknya ayunan lainnya. El techo está cubierto con una rejilla electrificada capaz de destruir las instancias de SCP-199-2. Description: SCP-252, referred to as The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet (also known as "Like the Wind", "Blind the Wind",. Location spread of SCP discovery locations (maybe add a really nice chart for that) 5. SCP-007 - Bauch-Planet. The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives. SCP-1499が被験者の頭に固定されると、約1秒後に被験者は視界から消失し、検出されなくなります。. 広告出稿に関するお問い合わせ. Cung điện được vua Louis XVI và. Site-19 is the most well known of the many sites under Foundation control. 5 m) y con la llave. SCP-199-JP may appear when there is only one spectator watching a movie in the. Hey guys! Welcome back to SCP Containment Breach 1. SCP-106 wywołuje efekt "korozji" na każdej materii stałej, której dotknie, co wywołuje fizyczny rozpad materiałów w kilka sekund po kontakcie. The room requires basic furnishings for SCP-652 and its handler – bedding, food, water and so on. SCP-652 and its handler are permitted to roam the facility grounds at will. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. SCP-023 ha de ser contenido en una intersección de dos (2) pasillos en el Sitio- , con un mínimo de tres (3) metros de espacio en cada dirección, y tres (3) de las cuatro (4) puertas deben ser. 當不被使用時,SCP-198如預想一般具有240ml(8液體盎司)的容量,如同任何一般咖啡杯。. SCP-200 Chrysalis. SCP-036 The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn) SCP-037 Dwarf Star. 该植物的根茎外观类似叶状体苔类,但其具有独一无二的叶状体. Los rizomas de las plantas son duros y pueden apegarse y crecer en casi todas las estructuras sólidas, incluso dentro de las. SCP-999 is very very playful, and is known to form attachments to Foundation Personnel. SCP-9999-B is to be contained in a standard humanoid chamber with minimal supervision as it does not attempt to escape. 試験では、双方向無. Description: SCP-394 is a container of ear candles, each 24 cm long and 1. scp 재단 확보, 격리, 보호. 30-06 Springfield rifle bullet suspended approximately 167. Description. Os indivíduos de teste devem carregar um pequeno. SCP-1499の異常な現象は、人間がSCP-1499を頭に装着した時に発生します。. In this. Object Class: Safe. Ashton and various Class D personnel) is a large black cat found in May 18 by police officials in London, England,. SCP-199 is a unknown fern of the Hymenophyllaceae family, related to filmy ferns but far more tolerant of changes in temperature and humidity. , resulting in severe lacerations and distinct bite marks on the arm, neck and upper thigh. SCP-200 - Chrysalis SCP-200 was a 13 year old boy who, in an apparent display of puberty, managed to produce silk through unknown means. SCP-199 is strongly resistant to most defoliants, and seems to thrive in polluted environments. Der Pfeil stoppt jedoch nach ca. Berkas-berkas yang diperoleh Yayasan mengindikasikan bahwa makin kencang ayunan SCP-099-ID, makin berkurang "ketidakpuasan" masyarakat ini 4. Description: SCP-709 is a spherical "tree. SCP-3199, known by the name Humans, Refuted, are a hostile species in the SCP Foundation mythos. 2. As of - - , SCP-166 is housed in a standard Class B suite at Site-17, with the following alterations: The adjacent suite has been redesignated into a local observation post. foundation-introduction-hub - 機動部隊、内部部門等に関する資料です。; Joke SCP - 素晴らしいジョークのために、全てのルールを放棄したSCPです。; アーカイブされたページの一覧 - 追加資料としての用途目的で、あるいはスタッフ権限によってアーカイブ化された記事です。Fondazione SCP Branca Italiana - SCP Foundation ☼ ☀Opis: SCP-PL-199 to 800 stronicowa księga wykonana ze zwyczajnego białego papieru, obłożona okładką z utwardzonego kartonu pokrytego niskiej jakości skórą koloru fioletowego. ; SCP-EX - Certains SCP sont d'abord classés comme des anomalies mais s'avèrent ensuite être explicables par la science. 握住項目大約2到5秒後,項目會立即. 総動画数20,992,080. 4200-4299. SCP-199 ist entfernt mit filmartigen Farnen verwandt, ist jedoch toleranter gegenüber Temperatur, Feuchtigkeit, Verschmutzung und äußerer Beschädigung. 100m. Caso chegue em níveis entre 20% e 0%, deve-se executar o Protocolo Minus Viginti. . The room requires basic furnishings for SCP-652 and its handler – bedding, food, water and so on. 基金會世界觀中心 - 有關機動特遣隊,部門及其他的資料。; 搞笑SCP-搞笑的scp項目列表,本頁包括了主站的還有及本站原創。如果你想創作一篇搞笑scp,請注意你的那一篇要真的夠搞笑而又不是純粹玩梗才行。We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. SCP-100 - “Jamaican Joe的废品嘉年华”SCP-101 - 大嘴袋SCP-102 - Marshall, Carter和Dark有限公司的财产SCP-103 - 永不饥饿之人SCPSCP-199-JP 另一名观众 作者 grejum正在向座位接近的SCP-199-JP项目编号:SCP-199-JP项目等级:Euclid特殊收容措施:现阶段的SCP-199-JP并没有被完全收容。为了不让SCP-199-JP的出现条件全部满足的情况发生,最少三名基金会特工需要被派遣到目标电影院。作为剧场工作人员潜伏的特工需要监视入场卷的购买情况. SCP-199-JP (もう一人の観客) Euclid. SCP-043 - El Escarabajo. Tuttavia, poiché la pianta utilizza un processo catalitico sconosciuto per separare l’idrogeno gassoso dall’acqua, SCP-199 reagisce in maniera esplosiva al fuoco, e può essere controllato attraverso incendi mirati. оригинальный звук - scp_199_yuna. Class D personnel wishing to use the sphere require permission from their direct supervisor. 9mの怪物である。. SCP-199-IT:Vengo da un luogo lontano da questo universo, nei limiti della struttura matematica che è l'universo c'è un "Vuoto" che è visto come infinito ma è un decimo infinito dell'universo, vengo da quel vuoto, ero generato come. 200 to 299. SCP Serie 4 » SCP-3199. La Contención, por lo tanto, no es más difícil que contener a un humano adulto, la mayoría de las células serán suficientes. SCP-9999-B is to be contained in a standard humanoid chamber with minimal supervision as it does not attempt to escape. SCP-1499, referred to as "The Gas Mask", is an item that can be equipped in SCP - Containment Breach. SCP-033 - The Missing Number. Read SCP-199 from the story SCP # 1 by Mayu021X with 64 reads. Instances of SCP-3199 are hairless, stained with a thin layer of albumin, and stand at an average of 2. 発見の前日、先述の民家ではそこに住む一家の失踪事件が起こっていたため、何らかの異常現象の発生を危惧し複数名の財団エージェントが派遣されていました. ; SCP-INT - Les rapports. Though SCP-9999-B is considered a "humanoid", it may just be a. SCP-199. 该植物的根茎十分耐寒并可攀在大部分固体表面上生长,即使在烟囱或光滑墙面上也是如此。. SCP-1499 is a Soviet GP-5 gas mask. Access to SCP-069 requires prior permission from at least two (2) Level-3 personnel, and SCP-069 may only be used on a secure, isolated. 특징 [편집] 조각상은 그 지역에 있는 화강암을. SCP-040 - Evolution's Child. 100 to 199 SCP-100 - "Jamaican Joe's Junkyard Jubilee" SCP-101 - Hungry Bag SCP-102 - Property of Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. Procedimentos Especiais de Contenção: Um perímetro de 10 km de raio deve ser estabelecido ao redor do hangar em que SCP-199-PT está situado. SCP-036 - The Reincarnation Pilgrimage of the Yazidi (Kiras Guhorîn) SCP-037 - Dwarf Star. The object is in the shape of a symmetrical trapezoidal prism. Description. Documento acerca de SCP 2399 y sus propiedades. TheRubber bring you SCP Foundation KETER class object, SCP-3199 Animation. SCPs-FR Humorísticos - Algunos de los mejores artículos de la página son inteligentes y divertidos. Wishlist SCP: Fragmented Minds on Steam: 변종으로, 원래 scp-199와는 달리 scp-199-2에서 녹색 산성점액을 방출한다. SCP-1299 is to be contained in a 8 x 10 x 4 m concrete cell. Carnival. Archives. Możliwym jest, że znaleźliśmy lukę w ich własnej naturze. SCP-4007-4 is using this process to acquire the powers of his former compatriots with the Foundation's unwitting assistance. 3 km2 [2] 이다. Item #: SCP-069. The surface of SCP-999 consists of a thin, transparent membrane similar to that of an animal cell roughly . Le estremità degli arti superiori del.